Gole žene

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Hélène Dehaye, ne supportant plus l'autorité de son mari sur elle et ses enfants, menace un jour de partir ,. Bilan et controverses Ségolène Royal au , le 15 mars 2009. Battue par lors de l'élection au poste de en 2008, elle l'est de nouveau au premier tour de la , avec 7 % des suffrages. Pour survivre, sa mère effectue des ménages, avant de recevoir un héritage de ses parents ,. Par la suite, Ségolène Royal dément une rumeur selon laquelle elle et François Hollande auraient conclu un PACS.

Everything started off on a whim, without any big-time ambitions — just something to do at night with the boys while sipping on Jäger-Fantas. If the crew wanted to record, they had to come up with a plan. A few years later he cooked up Šmorn and brought the winning recipe — lyrics we can identify with, convincing vocal lines and delivery, an infectious Styrian dialect, and a pinch of racy humour. Šmorn was soon followed by Znajdi se, featuring Jernej Križman and Cifre, produced in collaboration with DJ Splif. Aside from numerous solo gigs, Emkej earned his stripes in the Velenje-Maribor hip-hop crew Velebor, where he joined forces with Mito, Ghet and Mrigo. It was this very desire to create together and connect other artists that lead him to founding the self-production record label Wudisban. Under Wudisban, Emkej brought together 10 young hip-hop artists. The idea behind the label is to create an association of rap heads who encourage one another and offer advice, help, and support. The idea proved more than successful, as the crew keep banging out new records and help keep the Slovenian hip-hop scene alive and true. The record again brings 13 songs that differ not only in topic, but in music as well. Unlike on previous records, Probaj razumet features numerous producers. Aside from Doša, Ghet and Sunny Sun, Emkej took a chance on younger, less prominent producers such as Emilijo, Tamau, and Rey. His is also the best album, both in his home genre and broader, an album that was preceded by past bangers like Zlatne ribice, the EP Dvoejzična ploća, and the first album he made with Gole Žene — all these records culminated in his newest record Nema labavo. He could be compared to Rambo Amadeus, but Kandžija, just like Rambo, and just like each other world-class genius, is walking his own path that is nothing but original, a mark of a true artist. But Gole žene are far from just a supporting act; they are a living, breathing treasure chest of sounds that come alive in their concerts.

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